“The Spatial Protection target – 30×30, can have a major impact on indigenous and local communities, while there is a large gap between global commitments and national implementation. The 30×30 target is too ambitious and will not be achieved without the recognition of indigenous and local communities in their contribution to protecting forests. A rights-based approach means conservation policies mean non-violence and recognize indigenous and local communities in their contribution to protecting forests.” Dewi Sutejo
South Korea, May 2-6 2022
The World Forestry Congress is held every 6 years. The first Congress was held in Italy in 1926. The Congress itself is a forum to exchange views and experiences on every aspect of forests and forestry, which will produce formulas or formulations that can be applied at the national, regional, and even global levels. The Congress also provides an opportunity to produce an overview of the forestry sector, in order to see trends, adjust policies, create awareness in making decisions, and influence public opinion. Given the high number of participants (several thousand at each conference), this is a valuable forum to strengthen the role of forests in general as well as in the context of critical environmental, economic and social issues and taking into account global developments. agenda for Sustainable Development.
XV WFC 2021 provides an important opportunity for the global forestry community to consider the status and future of world forestry, particularly in the context of recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic while striving to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This congress will also showcase the role of forestry in the Global Sustainable Development Agenda, which consists of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, The Global Forest Goals (GFG), The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and this will identify measures and recommendations to improve the role of Forestry.
The Congress is themed “Building a Green, Healthy and Resilient Future with Forests”, divided into 6 sub-themes of various issues to ensure that forests are an important part of Sustainable Development because forests have a role in the health, welfare, stability of our planet and its people. These 6 themes are the most important issues related to forests and the products and services they provide. This Sub-theme could also review progress in implementing the results of previously held congresses. Especially in the Durban Declaration, and the progress made towards a resilient and sustainable future.
Indonesia diwakili oleh Dewi Sutejo, berkesempatan untuk menjadi pembicara di side event subtema 2, yang berjudul COMMUNITIES SPEAK : Indigenous Peoples’ Local Actions and Initiatives are vital to implementing Paris Agreement and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Side event This Side event talked more about stories or experiences from indigenous/local communities related to their struggle against the climate crisis and biodiversity protection, as well as discussing challenges and gaps in national climate and Biodiversity Action Plans, and then presented key recommendations related to The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and implementation of The Paris Agreement. JKPP present together with Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), and the Non-Timber Forest Products – Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP), ICCA Southeast Asia Consortium partners, as well as Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Research & Development (CIPRED) which follows virtually.
source: https://jkpp.org/jkpp-berpartisipasi-dalam-xv-world-forestry-congress-2022/