On May 31, 2022, WGII held a 5-year strategic plan Workshop. This activity is a follow-up to the reflection on the collective work of WGII members held in December 2021. The workshop was held in a hybrid (online-ofline) which was attended by WWF Indonesia, KIARA, JKPP, BRWA, Huma Association, Sawit Watch and NTFP-EP Asia, as well as several strategic partners and Associates among which are GEF-SGP Indonesia represented by Catharina Dwi Hastarini and Cristina Eghenter as founders of WGII. Facilitated by Dahniar Andriani (HuMa member), participants are directed to be able to analyze the problems and expectations to be achieved up to 5 years ahead through the ToC method or theory of Change.
“There have been many achievements obtained by WGII since 2011 the first time WGII was established, the number of ICCAs documented is getting higher and wider, the network or network is growing, WGII also made a good impression at the global level with our activeness in the ICCA Consortium”, but there are still many PRs that need to be resolved, especially about strengthening issues, international registry and ICCA recognition at the national level” - Kasmita Widodo (WGII Coordinator)
In its 2018-2020 commitment, WGII set several targets such as the establishment of a network of ICCA owners, the identification of 500 ICCAs , the availability of an ICCA registration system, and the strengthening of advocacy at the national and global levels. To date, WGII has registered 104 ICCAs with an area of more than 460,000 ha, with an ICCA potential of 2.9 million hectares. However, until now no ICCA has been registered internationally, pending the completion of Peer Review Guidelines as one of the conditions required to process ICCA registration internationally to WCMC/ WDPA.
Through this activity, members also identified problems that triggered the stagnation of the ICCA advocacy process, as well as the recognition of the rights and living space of Indigenous and local communities through other schemes, one of which is the absence of political will from the state to accelerate the recognition of Indigenous rights, because the government is still prioritizing the agenda of economic recovery, and strengthening investment in Indonesia. There are many policy opportunities that can actually be used for ICCA recognition in terrestrial ecosystems, as well as in coastal ecosystems and small islands, but it takes a lot of energy to encourage community rights to be recognized through these policy opportunities.
"diversity is our strength” (Dahniar Andriani)
The diverse concerns and skills of WGII members can be a tremendous force to strengthen ICCAs recognition issues and agendas and the rights of Indigenous and local communities at both national and global levels. Therefore, the strategic agenda built by WGII is to seek the expansion of working group membership through the development of individual membership type or honorary member. WGII also projects new targets based on existing opportunities, challenges and dynamics of policy, political and social changes at the regional, national and global levels.
by : Admin CJ